// call this to update the scene when a variable changes
window.updateState = function updateState(str) {
vars = str.split(',').map(t => t.trim());
for (const variable of vars) {
if (window.stateToAFrame[variable]) {
// Functions for updating 3D model when variables change
window.stateToAFrame = {
hasClothes: function (value) {
var shirt = document.querySelector('[data-uuid="clothes-shirt"]');
shirt.setAttribute('visible', !value);
shirt.classList.toggle('no-click', value);
Expose state and macros to the js
--><div style="display: none;">
(print: (function () {
window.harlowe = {
state: State,
macros: Macros
return JSON.stringify(State, null, ' ');
(set: $objectmap to (dm:
"9b640c9f-61bd-4282-b3aa-d9a567d93c93", "hamper",
"f53f1da9-5f52-4784-81c9-b4a27f02a383", "bed",
"90213622-86aa-4fb9-98e0-414e632ef9a5", "bedroomdoor",
"0481d0a2-7b04-472a-b726-67475a4d5961", "frontdoor",
"07ebc85a-cda0-408e-9acf-8671e3decf06", "buttpainting",
"b3338f27-24aa-41d5-8b58-e3b7e42623aa", "closet",
"5808ca30-92a9-4b90-a6c8-bb49e6745929", "sofa",
"84839535-ad9e-4100-8cba-b2413d4fdc88", "plant",
(set: $interactiveset to (ds:))
(set: $hasClothes to false)
(set: $isAwake to false)
(set: $room to "bedroom")
// Once it has loaded display the scene.
document.querySelector('tw-story').style.display = 'none';
window.readyPromise.then(function() {
document.querySelector('tw-story').style.display = '';
</script>//Boom Boom Boom Boom// The banging echoes through my head.
Is it the door? Am I dreaming?
[Go back to sleep]<gosleep|
[[Check it out->wake]]
(click-replace: ?gosleep)[//Boom Boom Boom Boom//, the unceasing poundings, echoes in my ears.
I'm probably imagining it but I should check it out.]
I raise my head from the pillow. My head is pounding, I feel dizzy. The early morning light stings my eyes.
(display: "bedroomset")
[What did I drink last night?]<no-drink|
(click-replace: ?no-drink)[
I don't think I drank anything last night...
[[Go check the door->bedroomdoor]]]
document.querySelector('a-scene').style.opacity = 1;
setInterval(function () {
target.setAttribute('ada-model', 'eyes: ' + Math.floor(4 * Math.random()));
}, 1000);
</script><a-scene io3d-lighting style="position: absolute; opacity: 0;" vr-mode-ui="enabled: false">
<a-asset-item id="ada-obj" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/AdaRoseEdwards/metaverse/master/static/models/ada/vr-ada.obj"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="ada-mtl" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/AdaRoseEdwards/metaverse/master/static/models/ada/vr-ada.mtl"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="navmesh" src="https://cdn.glitch.com/b4fd6fd6-484f-46a9-abd9-b602f64aa92a%2Fnavmesh.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<img src="https://cdn.glitch.com/b4fd6fd6-484f-46a9-abd9-b602f64aa92a%2Fshirt.png?1515923515430" id="shirt" />
<img src="https://cdn.glitch.com/b4fd6fd6-484f-46a9-abd9-b602f64aa92a%2Ftrousers.png?1515923515453" id="skinny-jeans">
<img src="https://cdn.glitch.com/b4fd6fd6-484f-46a9-abd9-b602f64aa92a%2Fbra.png?1515923515504" id="bra" />
<!-- Black background -->
<a-sky color="black"></a-sky>
<!-- character model -->
<a-entity obj-model="obj: #ada-obj; mtl: #ada-mtl" ada-model="eyes:3; mouth: 3;" position="-43.615 0.6 -0.312" id="target" scale="0.08 0.08 0.08" shadow="cast: true; receive: false;" nav-controller="speed: 1.5"></a-entity>
<a-image class="clothes" data-uuid="clothes-bra" src="#bra" position="-44.275 0.064 -1.368" rotation="-90 180 180"></a-image>
<a-image class="clothes" data-uuid="clothes-skinny-jeans" src="#skinny-jeans" position="-44.851 0.019 0.622" rotation="-90.01166961505233 45.89391938997894 0"></a-image>
<a-image class="clothes" data-uuid="clothes-shirt" src="#shirt" position="-43.064 0.598 0.231" rotation="-90.01166961505233 180.02333923010465 180.02333923010465"></a-image>
<!-- The Environment gets injected here-->
<a-entity id="scene-target">
<!-- navigation mesh for the floor -->
<a-entity gltf-model="#navmesh" nav-mesh visible="false"></a-entity>
<!-- orbit cam -->
<a-entity camera="fov: 50; zoom: 1;" position="-44 3 5" orbit-controls="invertZoom: true; autoRotate: false; target: #target; enableDamping: true; dampingFactor: 0.5; minDistance:4; maxDistance:20; maxPolarAngle:1.0; minPolarAngle: 0.2; enableKeys: false; enablePan: false;"></a-entity>
Hehe Butts.<!--
Can't use door until dressed
-->(unless: $hasClothes)[I should find some clothes before I answer the door. I'll grab last nights clothes.
[[Look for clothes->find-clothes]]
If we are in the bedroom then enter the living room
--> (if: $room is "bedroom")[
I enter the living room.
(set: $room to "livingroom")(display: "livingroomset")
moveTo({ x: -44.84, y: 0.01, z: -1.92 })
.then(function () {
teleportTo({x: -44.66, y: 0.1, z: -3.15});
If we are in the livingroom then enter the bedroom
-->(elseif: $room is "livingroom")[
I enter my bedroom.
(set: $room to "bedroom")(display: "bedroomset")
moveTo({x: -44.76, y: 0.1, z: -2.91})
.then(function () {
teleportTo({x: -44.79, y: 0.1, z: -1.9});
]I don't really feel like putting a bra on.
x: -43.47,
y: 0.01,
z: -1.40
});</script>Ugh, I am not gonna try and squeeze into the these so early in the morning.
x: -44.84,
y: 0.01,
z: -0.23
});</script>(if: $hasClothes is false)[I pick up the shirt and put it on. It's warm and soft.
I guess I was sleeping on it last night it's really wrinkly.
The shirt is long enough to get by.
(set: $hasClothes to true)<script>
.then(() => window.updateState('hasClothes'));
</script>](else:)[I'm already wearing a shirt.]
[[Let's go check the front door->frontdoor]]I look around my room. Clothes are scattered around the floor and bed.
[[Check the Laundry Hamper->hamper]]
[[Grab something from the wardrobe->closet]]
[[Grab the bra from the floor->clothes-bra]]
[[Get the extra skinny jeans from the floor->clothes-skinny-jeans]]
[[Grab the shirt from the bed->clothes-shirt]]
[[Leave the room->bedroomdoor]]I'm not going to wear smelly clothes.
x: -44.84,
y: 0.01,
z: -0.23
});</script>I really need to do laundry this is almost empty.
Mostly just formal dresses and winter coats.
(if: $hasShorts is not true)[
I spot some shorts in the back of closet and put them on. (set: $hasShorts to true)
x: -43.37,
y: 0.01,
z: -1.40
});</script>(if: ((passage:)'s tags) contains 'stub')[](else:)[(set: $lastLocation to ((passage:)'s name))](if: ((passage:)'s tags) contains 'stub')[
(link-goto: 'Go Back', $lastLocation)
](if: $done is not true)[I haven't got much to do in here I should go answer the front door.
[[Leave Bedroom->bedroomdoor]]
](else:)[ I return to bed and go to sleep.
]There was no one at the door. I think the pounding was in my head.(set: $done to true)
[[Check the hallway->hallway]]
[[Go back to bed->bedroomdoor]]
<script>moveTo({x: -44.69, y: 0.1, z: -4.4});</script>I should have a nap.My beloved plant, //Pamela Isely VIII//.
Alas //Pamela Isely I-VII// didn't last longer than a few weeks.
I am not good at looking after plants. I have good feeling this time though.<script>
moveTo({x: -48.53, y: 0.1, z: -1.7});</script>(set: $interactiveset to (ds:
))(set: $interactiveset to (ds:
))I step out into the hallway.
(if: $hasShorts is not true)[
I here someone clear their throat behind me.
My neighbour and her dog are stood there, she raises her eyebrows at me:
//"Isn't it a little cold this morning to be walking around like that?"//
I blush furiously, I hdan't expected anyone to be about and wasn't wearing any shorts!
I run inside and close the door. Red to my ears.
The hallway is empty. I've been letting my anxiety get to me.
I take a few deep breaths of the crisp morning air then head back to bed.